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Music can be fun with kids, and it could be as simple as clapping, dancing and singing! When kids participate in music activities, for instance, moving with the rhythm and keeping the beat, the brain starts forming connections that help sharpens motor skills and it also helps to establish routine that enhance their learning power. Try some of these music activities that will get them moving: The Marching Parade
Try making a homemade drum or re-use pot, bowl or even shoe box and prepare ice-cream sticks or chop sticks. Play a nursery rhyme, the key is to introduce to kids to march and hit the drum while the music is playing. Ask the kids to march without the drums and once they are ready, proceed to hit the drum according to the beat of the music. You may increase the complexity by increasing the tempo. Playing in a Concert Parents/Teachers are encouraged to introduce famous/pop songs of various genres beyond classical music. For this activity, kids will use the homemade instruments as shown in the first game. You could even sing along, or play with a musical instrument to feel more like a concert! My Body Percussion, Clapping Hands! Clapping is one of the body percussions to introduce sounds, rhythm and beat. Try to play a nursery rhyme that helps the kids to clap along with the music. Next, teach them to sing the words. The last step would be to sing the words and clap together with the music. You could take a step further to clap the first few rhythms and test if the kids are able to clap back to you accurately. Repetition is the key, do give them a few tries and keep going until they get it right. Comments are closed.